Calculate the customs cost of importing

Find the cost of importing (customs) with the Shiplemon tool

Our calculator helps you calculate the cost of importing at customs for your shipments. Fill in your shipment details to get an estimation of the cost.

The above tool helps you calculate the cost of customs for various shipments and for varous countries like Germany, China, United States and United Kingdom (many of our customers buy clothes from the UK and are interested in finding out costs of customs).

This tool helps you answer questions like:

How much will I pay when importing from the UK?

What are the charges from the customs?

Can you buy from the UK without paying customs fees?

What happens with shipments from the UK after Brexit?

Many of our customers use this tool to calculate cost of importing a car, for parcels (shipments) and for commercial orders/transactions.

If you're interested in sending a parcel, find out more here

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